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Book Contains :

Chapter 1. Engineering Units 1.1
Dimensions and Units / 1.1
Systems of Units / 1.1
Conversion Factors / 1.19
Selected Physical Constants / 1.19
Dimensional Analysis / 1.19
References / 1.22

Chapter 2. General Properties of Materials 2.1
Chemical Properties / 2.1
Thermophysical Properties / 2.4
Mechanical Properties / 2.10
Electrical Properties / 2.22
Other Engineering Material Data / 2.23
Special Requirements / 2.34
References / 2.34

Chapter 3. Engineering Mathematics 3.1
Algebra / 3.1
Geometry / 3.7
Analytic Geometry / 3.12
Trigonometry / 3.18
Differential and Integral Calculus / 3.21
Differential Equations / 3.36
Laplace Transformation / 3.40
Complex Variables / 3.41
Vectors / 3.43
Statistics and Probability / 3.45
Numerical Methods / 3.47
Note on Sets and Boolean Algebra / 3.53
Digital Computers / 3.56
Calculators / 3.62
References / 3.64

Chapter 4. Applied Chemistry 4.1
Common Definitions / 4.1
Stoichiometry / 4.4
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Chemical Thermodynamic Relations / 4.22
Thermochemistry / 4.23
Chemical Equilibrium / 4.30
Phase Equilibria / 4.32
Chemical Reaction Rates / 4.35
Electrochemistry / 4.37
Organic Chemistry / 4.41
Nuclear Reactions / 4.44
Biochemistry / 4.44
Nomenclature / 4.45
References / 4.47

Chapter 5. Mechanics of Rigid Bodies 5.1
Statics / 5.1
Friction / 5.21
Kinematics / 5.24
Dynamics / 5.34
Nomenclature / 5.42
References / 5.44

Chapter 6. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 6.1
Static Stresses / 6.1
Dynamic Stresses / 6.5
Beams / 6.5
Columns / 6.14
Torsion / 6.14
Combined Stresses / 6.15
Cylinders and Plates / 6.17
Nomenclature / 6.18
References / 6.20

Chapter 7. Thermodynamics 7.1
Introduction / 7.1
First Law of Thermodynamics / 7.3
The Second Law of Thermodynamics / 7.4
Ideal Gases / 7.6
Real Gases / 7.12
Power Cycles / 7.25
Nomenclature / 7.33
References / 7.34

Chapter 8. Mechanics of Fluids 8.1
Nature of Fluids / 8.1
Fluid Statics / 8.4
Fluid-Flow Characteristics / 8.8
Fluid Dynamics / 8.14
Boundary-Layer Flows / 8.22
Flow in Pipes / 8.32
Open-Channel Flow / 8.41
Two-Phase Flow / 8.44
Acknowledgments / 8.46
Nomenclature / 8.46
References / 8.48

Chapter 9. Heat and Mass Transfer 9.1
Conduction / 9.1
Radiation / 9.5
Convection / 9.9
Combined Heat-Transfer Mechanisms / 9.19
Heat Exchangers / 9.21
Relation of Heat Transfer to Thermodynamics / 9.22
Nomenclature / 9.23
References / 9.26

Chapter 10. Conservation Equations and Dimensionless Groups 10.1
Conservation Equations in Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer / 10.1
Dimensionless Groups and Similarity in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer / 10.15
Nomenclature / 10.24
References / 10.27

Chapter 11. Topics in Applied Physics 11.1
Electric Fields / 11.1
Magnetic Fields / 11.8
Simple Electric Circuits (Examples) / 11.11
Waves / 11.13
Lasers / 11.22
Fiber Optics / 11.24
Nomenclature / 11.26
Acknowledgments / 11.27
References / 11.27

Chapter 12. Automatic Control 12.1
Introduction / 12.1
Basic Automatic-Control System / 12.4
Analysis of Control System / 12.4
Frequency Response / 12.13
Stability and Performance of an Automatic Control / 12.14
Sampled-Data Control Systems / 12.21
State Functions Concept in Control / 12.22
Modeling of Physical Systems / 12.24
General Design Procedure / 12.27
Computer Control / 12.28
Data Acquisition for Sensors and Control Systems / 12.28
Nomenclature / 12.33
References / 12.34

Chapter 13. Mechanical Engineering 13.1
Mechanical Design Engineering
Principles of Mechanism / 13.1
Force and Work Relations / 13.5
Constructive Elements of Machines / 13.8
Motive Elements of Machines / 13.14
Energy Engineering
Pumps / 13.22
Positive Displacement Pumps—Reciprocating Type / 13.24
Positive Displacement Pumps—Rotary Type / 13.26
Centrifugal Pumps / 13.26
Miscellaneous Types of Pumps / 13.32
Compressors / 13.34
Fuels and Combustion / 13.39
Internal-Combustion Engines / 13.43
Oil Engines / 13.43
Steam-Power Plant Equipment / 13.44
Boilers and Superheaters / 13.47
Draft and Draft Equipment / 13.48
Feedwater, Accessories, and Piping / 13.49
Steam Turbines / 13.50
Condensing Equipment / 13.51
Refrigeration Engineering
Refrigeration Machines and Processes / 13.53
Properties of Refrigerants / 13.54
Overall Cycles / 13.54
Components of Compression Systems / 13.55
Absorption Systems / 13.56
Thermoelectric Cooling / 13.56
Methods of Applying Refrigeration / 13.57
Refrigerant Piping / 13.58
Cold Storage / 13.58
Cryogenics / 13.59
Industrial and Management Engineering
Activities / 13.59
Systems Concept / 13.61
Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Design / 13.62

Chapter 14. Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering 14.1
Civil Engineering
Surveying / 14.1
Soil Mechanics and Foundations / 14.8
Highway and Traffic Engineering / 14.15
Railroads / 14.18
Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage / 14.20
Economic, Social, and Environmental Considerations / 14.41
Hydraulic Engineering
Hydraulic Turbines / 14.42

Chapter 15. Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering,
and Petroleum and Gas Engineering 15.1
Chemical Engineering
Diffusional Operations / 15.1
Multiphase Contacting and Phase Distribution / 15.22
Mechanical Separations and Phase Collection / 15.25
Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design / 15.27
Nomenclature / 15.38
Environmental Engineering
Introduction / 15.43
Wastewater Treatment / 15.44
Air Pollution Control / 15.54
Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Petrophysical Engineering / 15.69
Geological Engineering / 15.69
Reservoir Engineering / 15.70
Drilling Engineering / 15.70
Production Engineering / 15.71
Construction Engineering / 15.71
Gas Field and Gas Well / 15.71
Petroleum Enhanced Recovery / 15.71
References / 15.72

Chapter 16. Electrical Engineering 16.1
Basic Electrical Devices and Their Symbols / 16.1
Electric Circuits and Their Characteristics / 16.2
Direct-Current Circuits / 16.16
Single-Phase Alternating-Current Circuits / 16.20
Polyphase Alternating-Current Circuits / 16.33
The Magnetic Circuit / 16.37
Electrostatic Circuit / 16.50
Sources of EMF: Generators / 16.52
Sources of EMF: Electric Batteries / 16.59
Transformers / 16.64
Motors / 16.71
Alternating-Current Motors / 16.71
Direct-Current Motors / 16.83
Converters / 16.85
The Synchronous Converter / 16.85
Motor-Generator Sets / 16.88
Mercury-Arc Rectifiers (Converters) / 16.88
Control and Protective Devices and Systems / 16.89
Motor Control / 16.91

Chapter 17. Electronics Engineering 17.1
Components / 17.1
Discrete-Component Circuits / 17.9
Integrated Circuits / 17.16
Linear Integrated Circuits / 17.18
Digital Integrated Circuits / 17.21
Computer Integrated Circuits / 17.34
Computer Programming / 17.36
Computer Communications / 17.58
Industrial Electronics / 17.76
Wireless Communications / 17.78

Chapter 18. Reliability Engineering, Systems Engineering, and
Safety Engineering 18.1
Reliability Engineering
Types of Failures / 18.1
Failure Rate / 18.2
The Bathtub Diagram / 18.2
Constant-Failure-Rate Case / 18.3
Reliability Equations and Curves When Failure Rate Is Constant / 18.3
Failure Intervals / 18.4
System Reliability / 18.8
Summary of Relevant Formulas / 18.14
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering / 18.18
Simulation / 18.19
Systems Analysis / 18.20
Optimization / 18.21
Operations Research / 18.22
Safety Engineering
Safety / 18.24
Legal Aspects of Safety / 18.25
Instrumentation and Controls / 18.26
Plant Engineer’s Function within the Safety Committee / 18.27
Accident Prevention / 18.29
Building Structure / 18.29
Means of Egress for Industrial Occupancies / 18.30
Powered Platforms, Personnel Lifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms / 18.30
Ventilation / 18.31
Compressed Gases / 18.32
Materials Handling and Storage / 18.32
Machinery and Machine Guarding / 18.34
Mills and Calenders in the Rubber and Plastics Industries / 18.35
Mechanical Power Presses / 18.35
Forging Machines / 18.36
Mechanical Power Transmission / 18.36
Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment / 18.37
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing / 18.37
Arc-Welding and Cutting Equipment / 18.37
Resistance-Welding Equipment / 18.38
Special Industries / 18.38
Electric Equipment / 18.39
Toxic and Hazardous Substances / 18.39

Chapter 19. Measurements in Engineering 19.1
Length Measurement / 19.1
Angle Measurement / 19.3
Strain Measurement / 19.4
Temperature Measurement / 19.6
Pressure Measurement / 19.12
Flow Velocity Measurement / 19.15
Measurement of Fluid Flow / 19.18
Electrical Measurements
Current, Voltage, Resistance, Frequency, Power . . . / 19.24
Other Measurements / 19.32
Nomenclature / 19.41
References / 19.41

Chapter 20. Engineering Economy, Patents, and Copyrights 20.1
Engineering Economy
Basic Concepts / 20.1
Cost Estimating / 20.6
Breakeven Analysis / 20.15
Evaluating Investments / 20.23
Evaluating Investments Using the Time Value of Money / 20.27
Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
Patents / 20.31
Trademarks / 20.35
Copyrights / 20.37
References / 20.38



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